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What we do?


Elevate is a community-based organisation that encourages collaboration to help alleviate London’s knife crime epidemic. Elevate believes in treating knife crime as you would a health issue, promoting healing and aid rather than punishment. Our goal is to provide empowerment and purpose to young lives in London to enable them to make the step out of crime. We intervene early to prevent young people from becoming victims or perpetrators of knife crime. We encourage the citizens to engage with our Rebuild programme that enable them to learn valuable skills such as electric and builders training that leads to certificates. These skills can be then used to apply for related jobs outside of crime. Not only have the participants created something, they have also given back to the community and have experience for their future outside of crime.


We are a young organisation, but we strongly believe this is the right direction in lending a helping hand to people in need. Ensuring we are putting them in a safe and trusted environment, with a friendly and caring community.



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We are here to stay.


We understand that knife crime won’t be solved in a day. Our programme is here for the long run, providing lasting new communities and skills that can help our youth in their development. As we progress we aim to provide new facilities such as youth centres that allow citizens to feel unified, safe, and optimistic. These centres will provide educational courses to help citizens that haven’t completed their exams. As our organisation matures, we will be creating new programmes that continue to help our community.

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